Also, Saturday we had friends and family over for a BBQ at our house-someone had a wonderful idea of getting a picture of all of us with our "Growing In Faith" bracelets; I think it turned out amazing and I can't wait to show our child one day how loved they truly are.
Now one to something that I need to discuss, although I really don't want to. I received a very disturbing email today questioning my Christianity; there were other hurtful things said; however I will not get into that. Everyone has there own opinions and if you don't like my blog that's perfectly fine, however if you don't like it, please don't read it--if you read it, please don't send me hateful emails regarding things you might not agree with. I started writing this blog for my close friends and family, never in a million years did I think my "life" would be interesting enough for "others" to want to read, for others to want to follow or even for those to want to pray, support and help us. I can not begin to express my gratitude to each one of y'all. You will never know how much your support throughout this journey means to my husband and I. I know that there will be the ones that do not support us or those that don't agree with things we say or do, however I speak my mind...I talk and write from my heart. I trust in God and have so much Faith in My Lord and Savior---if you don't like it, please stop following me, and please refrain from sending me hateful emails.
(Ok, rant over...just something I had to get off my chest)
BUT to all of y'll whom have supported us in prayers and donations THANK YOU from the bottom of our hearts THANK YOU. For those who have bought bracelets and/or key chains, they will be shipped by week end! And thank you so much; I really truly can not thank you enough! When God does decide to bless us with a bundle of joy, I promise our child WILL know how amazing you all are.
God Bless-
Tiff :)
WOW, I am floored...I don't even get it! (you are a lot nicer than I could ever be!)
Praying for tommorow's surgery, you, your mom, and the twinkle in your eye...
xoxo, Shannon
I will be praying.. sorry about the hurtful e-mail you received:(
Even if people don't agree with others its not anyones place to judge anyones Christianity..Except for God!!!
Receiving an e-mail like that would really upset me.. What was this person thinking?!
Anyway.. its over now I hope!! Don't worry about it!! Hope you have a great week!!
Hey Tiff! Will be praying for you hubby ( and you!) tomorrow! I am so sorry some dumby sent you a stupid email ! people are just....ugh no words !
Glad you got to give your 2 cents and your right if someone doesnt like it dont read it!
ps GREAT picture of you and your friends with the bracelets!
Wow Tiffany I can't believe someone would send you something so mean. For the life of me I don't understand why people feel the need to be so mean.
If its one thing that bothers me its someone questioning your christianity when you've done nothing wrong. When Dh and I first got married (5 months after) we started attending a church who was headed by an abusive pastor.
Do to things beyond our control my husband lost his job with a mattress company (where he made a good living). I don't share this on my blog but my father in law took alot of our money. Anyway not long after Dan and I's birthdays they were giving communion. This pastor who sadly is married to my cousin sat us down because we didn't pay tithes on our birthday money. We were constantly told we needed to get saved and never felt good after Sunday's sermon. We left that church and joined the church we are now attending.
We will be praying for you two this week
Sending prayers your way and prayers for the surgery tomorrow!
Praying for your husband's quick recovery!
you have had some rough spring months girl. Im thinking about you and sending strength your way and may you have a beautiful summer.
Im sorry you got such a negative comment. I see many people do get them. It's only a matter of time before it happens to me.
Prayers are coming your way from Fredericksburg, TX! I know that it is going to be quick and that the recovery will go well.
Lots of good,healing thoughts your way. So sorry you received a negative email. Your response was very classy. Good job.
Awww, I'm sorry you got hurtful emails! that is so wrong!!! You and your family will be in my thoughts!!!!((HUGS!))
Tiff....I don't know who could every thing that YOU weren't a Christian. I'm sorry that happen to you. I LOVE THE PIC. Plan on ordering some bracelets soon!! ((HUGS))
hi, thankyou for commenting on my blog...
I have had a quick read of yours and you seem so lovely :)
You've got such a lot going on, I hope your baby wishes come true can always stop by my place {a bit far, I know} for cuddles...good luck for your husband and all the very best for your mother
Susan xx
Hey Tiff, I'm sorry someone sent you a rude e-mail! Generally people like that are just jealous. But, it still hurts! I can't even imagine what you would have said or done to make someone question your faith! that makes NO sense to me! Anyway, I am OOBER excited to get my bracelet! I can't wait to wear it ALL the time! I asked our childrens minister if she'd like to purchase some for the children's dept and I asked my mom to get one for my sister :)
Tiff, how dare someone question your Christianity. We all know you are so very strong in your faith. Your faith in trust in God through all that has been happening in your life, has helped me in mine. I admire you, I respect you, and I love you. Do NOT let this person get you down.
I am praying for Zach..that all goes well and he has a speedy recovery. Keep that chin up!
Do you remember how hateful I can be??? Remember when my Christianity was questioned. Hand the email over to me..... I'd like to say a few things to this person... I can't believe people do something like that! This is your life. Obviously their life isn't fun enough. They had to come over and try to butt into yours. Let me at em... let me at em!!!!
Love you,
Praying for you and your husband for the surgery today. It's hard to receive negative/rude comments...some people apparently have nothing better to do than judge others. You have a lot of loyal followers who genuinely care so focus on the positive and know that we all support you!
You know I dont who sent that email and they weren't even woman enough to sign it with their real name. I think the way I responded was very "taste"ful as shew ould say and I think I got my point across. People are idiots at times and they just do things to get a rise out of people, which is SICK! You know that we are doing this for a GREAT cause and we want you to have that Pifer Bean more than anything in this world. We ARE BETTER THAN THOSE COMMENTS people leave or emails they send. I LOVE YOU
Hey Tiffany! Just noticed your comment on my blog! I love this! =) I love bringing this big world smaller through simple things such as a quick hello & a prayer!
I hope Zach's surgery goes well today! I'll be praying!
Much love & many prayers,
from seattle,
Tiffany- what in the world? I read your blog fairly often but have never commented before. However, I've found your blog to be nothing but uplifting and encouraging. Why anyone would send you such a nasty email is beyond me. People truly need to find better things to do with their time.
On another note, I hope your husband's surgery goes well. I'm sure that it will.
That is just terrible someone sent you such a rude email. Sometimes I will never get people at all. Praying for you and Zach hope his surgery goes well today
First off, LOVE the pic!
Secondly, I think there must be a gang of blog haters out there who think it's fun to leave hateful comments and send cowardice emails. I was blamed for my son's condition by a few "annoymous" people and I know another IF'er who had hate mail about IVF. Anyway, SO sorry you were a victim of hate mail!
Dont let those stupid emails bother u. U wouldnt believe the names that a CAR DEALERSHIP OWNER called me today for offering to buy a car from him. some ppl have no shame & they feel better by putting other ppl down. its truly a sickness they have and there is nothing u or i can do about it. for some reason or another they are jealous of what u DO have & they cant stand it.. so much so they have to email u to say stupid crap! dont let it get u down- u are giving them their satisfaction if u do.
good luck to zach & his surgery!!
Wow, that just blows my mind!! Some people are just idiots. Every time I read something you've written I just wish I could be as faithful and Christianly as you are!! Where someone could possibly get that kind of thinking is beyond be. Don't you worry over it for a second. Sounds to me like whoever it was that wrote you is the one that isn't very Christian. Good luck girl. I hope everything straightens itself out for you!!
You sure can!! I actually have been following your blog!!!! I'm praying for you!!!!
I have stumbled across your blog a few times now and am touched by your honesty and your faith in God. I am praying that you will reach your goal and will one day soon have your baby you and your husband have been wanting for so long. Do people donate the things that you raffle? I would like to help in that way. I sell Uppercase Living and could send you something :)
So sorry about that e-mail... that wasn't very nice of that person! Big hugs because I think you are amazing and I am praying everything goes smoothly tomorrow!
I am so sorry about the e-mail you received. I know it's hard but try to ignore those few nuts you will encounter and know that you have a lot of support and prayers!
what?? i'm so lost now! WHY would anyone email you questioning your Christianity???!! that makes no sense. gonna go catch up now-i've missed a lot apparently!
I am truly glad that you DO speak your mind and that YOUR blog is what YOU want it to be. What a shame that someone tried to ruin it for you. I am so happy that you did write this response post and I hope many bloggers out there realize what personal blogs are for....YOU, NOT THEM.
I came across your blog from Julie's (she designed mine as well). I read your blog from time to time and I truly think you are inspiring to post such personal issues you and your husband are going through. I wish nothing but the best for your family.
Good luck with your post surgery hubby, and the fertility appt. to come.
Thanks again for the post, sometimes we all need a reminder to what our blog purposes are.
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