There can be a roller coaster of feelings during an infertility journey. I am defiantly one who is dealing and has dealt with these hard emotions.Failure crossed my mind's hard not to feel like a failure while trying to conceive, it's hard looking at so many who conceive without trying or only tried for a little period of time--it's hard to
'not' wonder why so many can succeed at this journey but
you 'fail'....I think the word fail is
awful, but it is most defiantly a word and feeling used often during this journey.... however, I try
not to be discouraged, because with every
'wrong attempt' is another step forward...and as long as you keep trying and believing and
never forget that HE is in control, then you will never
fail; no mater the outcome... you ever feel humiliated at the fact your body is
I do. I believe it's a normal feeling...again, it's hard not to feel
Failure and
Humiliated when you are supposed to just
'get pregnant'...when growing up women
dream of having children, we play baby dolls--barbies, being a mother is something most women want from the very beginning. I believe it's a natural instinct...however no one ever thinks that they won't be able to conceive due to
infertility, that word doesn't exist while growing's supposed to
'just happen'...however it's
not always that easy.
Faith...I've spoken of faith from the beginning of my blog, God says
'I tell you the trust, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ''Move from here to there" and it will move'-Matthew 17:20----God doesn't show us the whole staircase or journey, we just have to take the first step
in Faith and trust in him to guide us through the
although we feel
failure at times...and
humility, we can bypass those if we have
Faith in our God.
'He who has hope, has everything'...hope can get you really far in this journey, it has me.
If you don't hope, you will not find what is beyond your hopes. Infertility women often hope...
we hope and pray....we hope and pray
and have faith...God
doesn't promise us all the answers, but we have to
'hope' that if we have
'faith' in him, he will guide us through our moments of
humiliation and moments that we feel like we are
Strength...I used to consider myself a
very weak person, emotionally and physically. Although I am not very strong physically, I do believe I am emotionally
thanks to God! You see, a lot of times God send us down a zig-zagged path in life to
help us grow, and one way he has helped
me grow is my strength. There is no strength without unity, and unity being
God...without leaning on him I would not be where I am today. So after much
hope, God has given us the
strength to have
faith in him to get us through these trials, like
humiliation and
Peace...there will come a time in this journey where you let it all go and you are
at peace with the situation you are in...some have reached this, some haven't. The pain and the heartache and longing for a child
haven't left me, however
I have peace with the journey God has chosen for me. I am thankful! Peace isn't something you can force yourself into, it can only be achieved by
Failure and
Humiliation try to weigh you down, however if you
hope and pray, and have much needed
faith in God he will give you the
strength to hav
e Peace in the path he has chosen for you.
"If your ship doesn't come in, swim out to it"....did I lose y'all??
:) Not many think of infertility the path they want in life, and although I would
not have picked this journey for myself, I thank God on multiple occasions for the
opportunity he has given me. Sometimes in life you have to
'swim' longer than others to get the same as they come they didn't have to swim,
that I don't know, God saw something in myself that
I didn't see, and I might not even see it now....but
I know that with this opportunity he has given me the chance to kick 'feeling like a
failure and feeling
humiliated' to the curb, he has given me the opportunity to
know the
true meaning of
hope and
faith, and given me the opportunity to learn how to lean on him for
strength...and most importantly he has given me the opportunity to find
true peace in this
crazy journey of infertility.