One of Zach's high school friends called him up and asked if myself and him wanted to go to the Cowboys game this past Sunday...I had prier plans; and although I would love to go see the stadium in itself, I'm not a huge Cowboys fan (shocking...from TX and not a Cowboys fan-ha!)...I never had a favorite team, however when Zach and I married--I became a Steelers fan, I tell people I 'married into it'....
Well back to the Cowboys Game...
Since I had prier plans, Zach asked if he thought Dylan (my 13 year old brother) would like to go, Dylan of course was very ecstatic and happily said yes!
So off they went to the Cowboys game!
Zach said they had so much fun and that Dylan really enjoyed himself...
That’s brotherly love right there!!!
(P.S....the news I was hoping to give you all, didn't work out---> so hopefully some 'other' news might come up in the new future...)
Go Steelers! I'm actually from Philly but my boyfriend turned me into a Steelers fan. So it's practice for when he and I get married eventually. Glad to see I'm not the only one! :) Have a fantasic weekend!
aw! your little brother is so cute! he's gonna be a heartbreaker when he gets older!
What a cute little brother you have!
no worries, I am from Texas and not a Dallas Cowboys fan either! I don't think we are going to get into too much trouble for that! :)
I agree, your little brother is going to be a heart breaker later in life!
That is so neat that they got to go do that together!! I bet that was lots of fun :)
Welcome to the hated club :) We're not Cowgirl fans either. But I must say that stadium is UH-MAZING!
Lovin the pics of them! Dylan is getting so big! And I still can't believe Zach wore the Steelers hat! lol. Glad they had fun!
I see Zach has mastered the self portrait with others too, not just you. hehe Looks like they had a blast!
Go Steelers! I'm actually from Philly but my boyfriend turned me into a Steelers fan. So it's practice for when he and I get married eventually. Glad to see I'm not the only one! :) Have a fantasic weekend!
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