Thursday, November 12, 2009

The Unknown

The unknown can be extremely scary. No matter the situation it's regarding...Whether it's not knowing how you did on the big test at school, or your yearly review at work, or the economy...

of journey's have an 'unknown' ending...unknown doesn't necessarily mean it's bad, it's just not known by us ...some cases the unknown can turn out to be quite beautiful; like a sunset on a night it's supposed to storm!

It's often we want God to reveal the future...I know in my journey to a baby, Zach and I have really wanted to 'know' the future...but like most other things, this future is unknown. Pain of going through these struggles can increase through the agony of not knowing when it will end and why God has allowed it. However, God has a glorious plan, there is NO unknown in His hands...He knows it ALL.

We want God to reveal the future--He wants us to reveal Him throughout our struggles. It's easy to ask God why things are happening....I am guilty as day!! However, Faith is the light that guides you through the darkness--you do not have to see the whole staircase to take the first step---Let God guide you through the rest, if you trust in him he will take you to a magnificent place!

Lord teach us to cling to You! Bless our waiting by revealing glimpses of Your love for us. Show us how powerful You are, above any circumstance or enemy that threatens us. As we wait for Your deliverance, help us to trust You for the exact date and time that our 'unknown' will be revealed. Help us to trust You with the quest of "why". Grant us the courage to embrace the chaos and confusion of our suffering, knowing that You remain in control and never out of reach.


(Thanks for listening to my rambling...sometimes my fingers just type and I wonder if what my mind is thinking even makes sense...)


Kylee said...

"the impossible builds our faith, not the possible" Praying for you.

kirstenpetree said...

I know what you mean about the unknown..although our journey's are different. Sometimes I wish I could see what Layne's future holds and what he will be like when he's older.

Lauren said...

Beautiful Tiffany and so so true!!!!!!!!! :)

Rosie said...

You have such admiral faith Tiff! And I like hearing your "rambling!" Love ya!

Stacey said...

Love this post, Tiffany. Beautiful words and definitely feelings that we can all relate to. Thanks!

Angelica said...

Hi Tiffany -

I've been lurking for a while from Veronica's blog. This is my first comment...thank you...thank you for your thoughts...your faith...your words. This was exactly what I needed to read this morning. I had a conversation with my nana last night about this...the unknown...trusting God with that...waiting...on Him.

Beautifully written....the icing on the cake...

Have a blessed day!

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