For Fun, on this Fabulous Friday; I thought I would leave you with Five Fun Facts about my Family…(Furry Four legged members included).
* I have to smell the inside of glasses before I drink out of them; it can be squeaky clean, but if it has any type of smell I can’t drink out of it!!
* Zach could live off of lima beans, he absolutely loves them…yuck!
* Peanut’s name was actually ‘Buddah’ first (she was so fat!), that was until my Grandma told me that Buddha wasn’t a good name, so we brainstormed and my mom actually came up with the name Peanut.
* Sasha is a big baby, she thinks she is a little dog like Peanut and Ginger…I don’t think she realizes how big she is.
* Ginger absolutely goes ballistic if you have chocolate milk—she loves it.
I would love to hear 5 facts about you and or your family, you can leave them in my comment section or post a blog and leave me your URL so I can check it out :)
Haha! Those were fun! I like lima beans too, with cornbread. LOL! I don't worry about my own glasses, but it does kind of creep me out to drink out of glasses at other people's houses. Especially if they came out of the dishwasher and they aren't quite dry....yuck!
Lima beans... gross!
5 Facts about me are:
1. I have never traveled out of the country.
2. I fear that I will never get to share my life with that special someone. I know that God has a plan for me and that one day it will all take place.
3. I cannot wait to have my own classroom... just a little over a year! :)
4. I am addicted to Karen Kingsbury novels. I just started reading them this week and I have already gone through 3. My school work is reflecting all of my reading though. :( Especially in Spanish when all I do is read.
5. I did not dedicate my life to Christ until I was a senior in high school and wish I would have done it sooner. So grateful that I do not have to live another day without Him though.
Hope you have a wonderful Friday.
Cute post idea!
I knew that thing about you smelling cups, but Z & lima beans!?! Gross!!
Sasha is just like Spanky too. And chocolate milk? Does Ginger know she's a dog? Ha ha!
Thanks! :) and yes I think Zach is equally gross for liking Lima beans and I don't think Ginger realizes she is a dog...I need to get it on video tape when chocolate milk is brought out though, she really is hilarious! haha!
I'm so glad you shared 5 fun facts about yourself with me! I love them!! I wish I loved to read as much as you, I reallllly have to be into a book to read! I am so glad to hear that you found Christ in your life though!! Congrats on only a year left till you get your own classroom :) How exciting!!!
Ewwwww; you like Lima beans too--ick! haha...maybe you can send me a good way to cook them so I can surprise Zach and maybe try them again myself!! :)
Haha!! I usually let my husband cook them....he does a better job than me! Cooking and me don't go too well together usually. :D
Cute idea!!!!!!
1. I always have to check my speed because i speed alot
2. I hate doing the dishes
3. Grayson loves to clean he hates to be dirty
4. I dont like cheese or milk but love ice cream and pizza
5. Grayson loves reality TV but hardly will watch cartoons
Have a fun and safe weekend
LOVE IT! I hate doing the dishes too, before we bought our house--we lived in a townhouse that had a dishwasher--that was heaven! I never knew how much I would miss it until we bought a house without one; now I'm the dishwater--no fun! LOVE that Grayson loves reality TV; how cute!!!
Thanks for posting :)
Sounds like my husband...I like to cook, but he is 'THE' cook if you know what I mean! haha!!
Thank you everyone for sharing your "5 lists."
1. I am afraid of sharks. That stupid Jaws movie when I was little.
2. My favorite color is red.
3. We have a dog named Sasha. My MIL is Hungarian (Hubby is 100%, I am 50% Hungarian). My MIL was really upset that we named our dog (a Hungarian Vizsla) a Russian name. Yikes! All is good now. :)
4. I will go to Burger King and order a Whopper without onions and then ask for onion rings instead of french fries.
5. I can type 80 wpm. I LOVE typing.
Oh I love your 5 fun facts!!! How funny that you will order your burger without onions but get onion rings, to cute!! I love to type too, but I have no Idea how fast I type...and don't worry your not the only one afraid of sharks, I'm deathly afraid of them as well :)
1. I love reading blogs like Tiffany & Zach's. I look each day for an update.
2. I think I could live off of pizza and spaghetti.
3. I love seeing the sunshine outside today and the warmth it brings with it. We have had such a cold snowy winter.
4. I enoy reading books , magazines and newspapers.
5. My husband and I just got back from a short vacation. We enjoyed it a lot, because he had been having to work a ton of mandatory overtime.
Good! I thought I was the only one that HATES sharks! haha
I think it's because I don't really like raw onion. :)
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