Monday, April 12, 2010


The life of an infertile couple is full of decisions that need to be made…

When do I know I need help?

Should we start trying now even though we aren’t 100% ready?

When do I go to the Dr?

When should I seek help from an RE?

Should I try Clomid?

What if we have multiples?

Should I trigger today…or tomorrow?

Should I take a pregnancy test…or should I wait?

What milligram of fertility medicine should we use?

Do I need an HSG?

Should I have surgery to unblock my tube, or let nature take it course?

Should we do the IUI…should we do another…and another…?

When should we do IVF?

What will we do if IVF doesn’t work?

When will we peruse adoption?

These are just a FEW of the decisions that we have made; thought about or had to consider throughout this journey!

Life is just supposed to fall into place…it does for so many in life (or so it seems!); why didn’t it for us? Why are we having to decide when we go to the Dr…the fertility clinic…Why do we have to decide if we need to take Clomid, Femara, Injections… shouldn’t pregnancy ‘just’ happen naturally…shouldn’t we be able to ‘decide’ to go to the Dr after we notice our cycle is late and we have a positive pregnancy test.

All of the above questions are ones that Zach and I have had…some we are still deciding on…

But you know the most difficult decision of all…was do I ‘let go of this journey and let God’? That was the hardest thing for me to do. I was a research queen, I googled everything, went to Barnes and Nobles and read every infertility book, tried everything that remotely had a chance in making us parents…but quickly learned that although doing all of these things may help in a sense, they wouldn’t help if I didn’t let go of my infertility and let God work miracles in my life.

Although we are still saving for IVF…we still have a lot of decisions to be made….we are leaving everything in God’s handsHe is OUR decision maker, He will determine which road we go down and where we end up…We trust Him with our lives and know that with Him by our side whichever path we go down we will be right where we need to be in life.

Decisions are one of the hardest things to make in life; the hardest being to let go and let God…but once you DO let go and let Him everything will fall into place.

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