Friday, September 20, 2013
From My City to Yours

Wednesday, September 18, 2013
5 Months Old
Tomorrow you will be 5 months old!!! It seems like just yesterday I found out I was pregnant with you. My how you have changed our lives and have brightened our world. We love you more than you could possibly imagine.
Your personality sure has sprouted even more throughout this past month. You love to laugh, and it’s the cutest little thing!
You say ‘oohhh’ and ‘mmmmm’ and your face is darling with you say them. You can sit up for a few seconds now!
Your still a very nosey baby, love to look around. You still aren’t a fan of tummy time, but you are doing much better and can push yourself up on your hands for a few minutes. You rolled over for the first time, but have not interest in doing it again.
You LOVE Mickey Mouse…your face lights up when he is on the TV or when you see your stuffed animal Mickey Mouse :) You still love your lovies also when it’s time for bed. You are a ‘binky baby’ but only when your tired.
Your hair is finally starting to grow back, it’s hard to tell the color of it because in different lights it looks different shades. Sometimes it looks very blonde, sometimes we see some red in it and sometimes it looks light brown…only time will tell! The same goes for your eyes. They are outlined in blue. But you have ‘starburst’ eyes like your daddy (my best description)…they are beautiful. In the center they sometimes look hazel and sometimes look green…then the have this starburst effect until they reach the blue. You get compliments all the time on your eyes, everyone loves to guess what color they are. :)
You love your food, you still drink 6oz of formula every 3-4 hours except when you eat your solids you only drink 4oz. You get cereal twice a day and you get a whole container of veggies or fruit with your cereal at dinner. You have had: squash, peas, green beans, carrots, sweet potatoes, pears, peaches and prunes. You love every one of them. We still have apples to try and then I will believe you will have ate a little of all your stage one foods. You eat with a spoon exceptionally well and often will hold my hand while I feed you (trying to do it yourself). You know your bottle and your binky go in your mouth you just haven’t quite figured out how to get them in there properly.
You have had a few colds this month, mommy feels like a pro at this booger suction thing…mommy used to have a weak stomach when it came to this stuff, but it seems so natural when it’s your baby. Not gross at all.
You had a scary situation this month also, you had an episode in which your pediatrician thought looked like a seizure, we took you to a pediatric neurologist, you had an EEG done (you did amazing with all those wires attached to your head)…and your results came back perfect. No seizures at all. Praise the Lord.
This past month we took you to a place called ‘Cranial Technologies’ because your little noggin’ in a little misshaped. Your going to have to wear a little baby helmet for 6-12 weeks. You get your helmet next Tuesday. Mommy has to drive you to Austin once a week while you have this helmet on. We have a local company who is going to wrap your helmet for FREE, such a blessing. I can’t wait to see it all wrapped up!
Overall this past month has been so interesting and we love watching you grow and do new things. You are OUR WORLD. Happy 5 months old sweet heart!!!!

Monday, September 16, 2013
Seizure Update

Monday, September 9, 2013
Update & Prayers

Sunday, September 8, 2013
Miles gets Baptized
In 2006 our infertility journey started…and in July of 2009 Zach gave me my very first fertility shot…I remember holding my breath with tears streaming down my face asking God ‘why us?’….why was this journey picked for us.
After 4 years of shots I can honestly say it did get better, but the pain was always there—It was just numbed with my trusty icepack. I remember looking at my bruises wondering if these shots would ever work…would we ever get pregnant?
Today my tears were so different—they were tears of joy as we baptized our baby boy. The child we wondered if we would ever be blessed with.
God is so great and today was such a special day for our family. Seeing our son get baptized was so emotional.
Sorry for the picture overload below—too many wonderful pictures to just pick a couple :)