Monday, January 24, 2011
Diet of Choice

Thursday, January 20, 2011
Our upcoming JUMP

Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Infertility Support

Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Groundhog Day

On February 2, Phil comes out of his burrow on Gobbler's Knob - in front of thousands of followers from all over the world - to predict the weather for the rest of winter.
According to legend, if Punxsutawney Phil sees his shadow, there will be six more weeks of winter weather. If he does not see his shadow, there will be an early spring.
No! Phil's forecasts are not made in advance by the Inner Circle. After Phil emerges from his burrow on February 2, he speaks to the Groundhog Club president in "Groundhogese"(a language only understood by the current president of the Inner Circle). His proclamation is then translated for the world.
The celebration of Groundhog Day began with Pennsylvania's earliest settlers. They brought with them the legend of Candlemas Day, which states, "For as the sun shines on Candlemas Day, so far will the snow swirl in May..."
Punxsutawney held its first Groundhog Day in the 1800s. The first official trek to Gobbler's Knob was made on February 2, 1887.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Wednesday, January 12, 2011
A little 'bullet' post...

Sunday, January 9, 2011
New Years Day-Perk Party
My WHOLE family hasn't been together in Years! We are spread out through Hong Kong, Idaho, Atlanta, New Mexico...ALL over-so you can imagine why it's almost near impossible to get everyone in the same room at the same time.
Well, a few months back my Aunt sent an email out to everyone with a plan, a great plan, A PERK PARTY...we knew the day in advance, and low and behold we were all going to make it!
And we did!!
My grandma stayed in the 'same' hotel as we did (we made sure to hide and watch for her anytime we left the room) as we all gathered in this room to surprise our Perk she we getting ready to head down to meet my uncle for what she thought was 'lunch'.
My Aunt and Uncle opened these doors and here was her reaction...

And because it wouldn't be right without our normal 'goofy' picture here it is below!

Saturday, January 8, 2011
New Years Eve
We traveled down to Magnolia, Tx for a 'surprise' family reunion for my grandmother (that subject is so special it requires it's very on post...look for that to come next) We opted to stay the night before the party in Magnolia to help my mom be less stressed the day of the party...
We all went to Chili's to eat on New Years Eve, after we came back, my mom came over in our room and I did her was around about 10 then and my momma went back to her room to sleep. There were fireworks being set off in every direction surrounding the hotel so Zach and I opened the curtains pulled up the couch and watched fireworks...we talked about our year, what it would hold...the excitement, the joy, and the blessings that it will bring us!
Before we knew it the ball was about to drop on the TV...these moments I'll never forget, no matter how this year turns out. Zach knelt my by side, said a quick prayer and as the New Year song played in the back ground we danced around our hotel room listening to fireworks in the background, tears flowing down both of our cheeks, knowing that no matter what is in store for us this year we are going to have a very blessed and happy year.
I can't begin to tell you just how special those moments were, although our night was uneventful-it was absolutely amazing! It couldn't have been sweeter...
God blessed me with a great man, whom I'm very honored and thankful to call my husband; I'm excited to see what this year will bring us!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011
Sick Start to 2011
Sunday night I started running a low grade fever, started shivering and sweating at the same time...I took some NiQuil and thought I'd be better in the morning...WRONG!!
That night the nausea kicked in, my body started aching so bad...there was no way I'd be making it to work, in fact I missed today as well...
No, I didn't go to the doctor, I know I should of, but in all honesty I just wanted to stay curled up in bed!
I am hoping this isn't a sign of how my year is going to go. It seems like everyone I know is sick or had been sick...must be going around!!
Sooo, although I have ALOT to blog about, I haven't felt well enough to do it!! Our New Years eve and day could not have been more prefect, that post will be coming soon!!

Saturday, January 1, 2011
Happy New Year 2011
This year I will celebrate my 27th birthday in Puxatony, PA watching the groundhog come out on my birthday...
Zach will celebrate his 26th birthday...
We will celebrate our 5th wedding anniversary...
This year we will travel BACK to the fertility clinic and will hopefully have our very 1st IVF...
This year will be an amazing year!
HAPPY 2011 to you and yours, may God bless you each with a fabulous year!