I have had an out pour of emails regarding infertility support...some wanting on my infertility support tab--others wanting to know good forums to help communicate with infertility couples.
IF you are not under my infertility tab for either 'support in trying to conceive' OR 'a success story' AND YOU WANT TO BE---either leave your information in the comment section below or send me an email to tapifer@grandecom.net
IF you know of another website that you love to go to that helps you cope with your infertility, a chat room-forum-research website-book-ANYTHING ... leave it in my comment section or email it to me and I will compile a list and post them.
So many infertiles have been on this road for years...others are just starting down this difficult path. I remember back when we first started trying I couldn't find anything online for the longest time--I felt so alone (and still do at times today!) Finally I flocked to a few websites-- iampregnant.com, fertilityfriend.com and www.twoweekwait.com . I found life time friends on these websites whom I still talk to today--although I don't get on any of these sites anymore and haven't for awhile they helped me so much in the begining!
So if you have anything you want to share that has helped you throughout this journey--please leave it in the comment section or email it to me and I will compile a post shortly!