42 months…
102 weeks…
1,274 days (give or take a few)… that we have been trying for our first child.
How many more days…how many more weeks…months…and years do we have to wait?
This journey is most defiantly hard at times…sometimes I want answers, I don’t wait to wait any longer—sometimes I don’t feel strong and I feel as though my patience is done. Sometimes I want God to give me a sign, just tell me if I can get pregnant, let me know that it is ‘possible’ for me to get pregnant…Sometimes I really wish God could tell me when this ‘storm’ will pass.
I know you all have heard the quote “Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass; it’s about learning to dance in the rain”...
That quote is very much true…but after 1,274 days I wonder if I have enough ‘rain’ already—surely anymore and I will need a paddleboat (more like a yacht!)
There are some couples who wait 5…7…10+ years before they have a child and that’s ‘if’ they have one.
Will that be me? Only God knows.
Now don’t get me wrong, as strangely as it sounds I am thankful for this journey, this journey has made me into a better person, it has brought my husband and I closer than I ever hoped for, it has tremendously improved our relationship with God—I am stronger than ever before, I have more patience, faith, and an overall better outlook on life and struggles that life throws at us.
But that doesn’t mean it’s not hard. Although the days get easier they also get harder in a sense. I personally can’t imagine myself pregnant. I want to be pregnant more than words can express, but I can’t envision that happening…I am too ‘used’ to trying to conceive I can’t even phantom what it will be like to be on the other side. That is so hard not to be able to picture myself pregnant, or as a mom because I am ‘too used’ to trying for a baby…
I certainly can not control the ‘storm’ in life, but I can thank God for his wisdom and strength for teaching me the ability to ‘dance in the rain’…
Storms are hardly fun, the rain can most defiantly get overbearing, the heartache will continue…but the journey WILL come to an end…somehow, someway—with God we will get through this. Every day is a new one, not all will be good…but not all will be bad! God saw something special inside us and he trusts us with this journey, so no matter how hard the days may get I trust that he will guide me through the storm and help me to dance in the rain!
My days may continue childless, even weeks…months and possibly years. Only our Lord and Savior knows what our future holds and although I hope and pray to him every day that our TTC journey ends soon and we start a whole new journey, one of parenthood…it is only in his hands and I trust him with my life in his hands knowing he has our best interest at heart!