I am
thankful that I have such an amazing, understanding, forgiving, and glorifying God in my life. Without our Lord and Savior I wouldn't be the women I am today. God has guided me and has built my strength during the trying times. Our God is a Big God, a God who can do anything, and I'm Blessed and honored to call him
My God!!
I'm beyond
thankful for my husband, Zachary. I loved him more than anything in the world 6+ years ago when we met, but with each day that passes I find myself falling in love with him even more. I can't begin to tell you how Thankful I am for the man who
he is-for the sparkle in
his eyes when he looks at me-for the way he holds my hand-for the kisses on my nose in the morning-for the sweet messages throughout the day-for the way he makes everyday worth while...
he is my very best friend, my soul mate and has been my
#1 support system throughout our infertility journey. A journey like this can break a marriage, and I'm thankful that we have climbed these mountains together, side by side and grown closer than we could ever imagine! To the world you may be one person, but to one person you may be there world--I'm thankful to have him as 'my world' and that I'm 'his world'.
My family...if you add, a mom, a dad, a stepmom, a brother, amazing inlaws, 3 grandma's, 2 grandpas, a jillion aunts uncles and cousions that would =
the best family on Earth! I am so
Thankful for each person in my family, for they are there when I'm weak to pick me back up. They know the words to say to put a smile on my face. Family is God's greatest blessing, and boy has He blessed me with an extraordinary family. Other things in life, such as struggles may change us, we may move away and not talk often...but we
start and end with family and we will always be! I'm so thankful!!!
My three dog-kids. Yes, they are like kids to us! In fact I don't think they realize there animals. I'm
thankful for there sweet whimpering excitements when I come home from work, there sweet kisses and how excited they get when we give them a treat. I'm thankful for how they know when I'm sad or crying and they come and curl up right next to me and lick my tears off of my cheek. I'm blessed to have such amazing dogs who are well behaved, potty trained, and the sweetest (and cutest) ever!
thankful for my friends and all of the sweet people I have meet through the years. This journey has taught me who were my true friends and who were not; I've learned a lot and have met so many amazing people. I'm thankful for all of my friends who have stuck by my side through thick and thin, I'm thankful for the ones who have let me share in there special moments with
there children knowing that it meant so much to be to be apart of such important days, however those same people are so very caring of my feelings as well. I'm thankful for the many sweet emails I get on a daily basis from complete strangers, I'm thankful for the amazing comments from my readers, and for the close friendships I've built with some amazing people who I've met through this blog world. A friend is someone who understand your past, believes in your future, and accepts you just the way you are--I'm thankful for all of my friends!
thankful for our struggles, infertility being one of them. I'm thankful that God picked us! Although 5 years ago I couldn't say that, I see the light now...I see how much this journey has changed us and has molded us into the couple and individuals we are now. It's amazing how certain things are placed in your life, things that seem as far from 'blessings' as possible, however those certain things that we often refer to as struggles are what we are most Thankful for. If it wasn't for infertility being in our life, I'm not sure I would be the lady I am today...
Difficulties are opportunities to better things; they are stepping stones to greater experience. Perhaps someday we will all be thankful for some temporary failure in a particular direction. When one door closes, another always opens. If the only prayer you ever say in your entire life is
thank you, it will be enough.