Friday, December 25, 2009
Monday, December 21, 2009
A little bit of this...& a little bit of that..

Tuesday, December 15, 2009
A Trip Down 2009...
As I sit here looking back on the past 12 months; I can’t help but think ‘where has this year gone!?’ I really thought I would be sitting here writing about other things…hopefully one that involved a child; however God had other plans for us.
The Steelers were the 2009 Super Bowl Champions

We found out about my mom's brain tumor/aneurysm

Zach had knee surgery and we Celebrated our 3 year Anniversary
The Dreaded 'F' word....Fertility Clinic
My first fishing experience...
1st Fertility Clinic Appt
But due to some amazing support from friends and family we made it through the tough times!

The loss of Poppee...Zach's Grandfather

Monday, December 14, 2009
Catch Up, Picture Overload & Help..
Last weekend Zach and I went over to one of our best friends house, Ashley and James...we made a gingerbread house with there sweet little girl, Avery--we drank Hot co-co and sat by there fire and watched a was great getting to see them!!
We also had a Christmas with the ladies I work with a couple weekends ago- it was so much fun getting together with some of the greatest people I know 'outside' of work!
Even this one came out spotty....thats it....I'm officially calling all photography people who know what there doing to help me with my pictures :)
By the way---we leave in 9 DAYS...WOW! :)

Monday, December 7, 2009
All I want for Christmas...

‘All I want for Christmas is a baby…”
Year after year my heart tells my head, Here’s another Christmas with no children’s stockings to hang on the mantle…
"Over the river and through the woods, to grandmother's house we go..." Infertile women hearing this familiar song wonders if she will ever be a mother, let alone a grandmother. Will she ever have a child to whom she can sing holiday songs to?
Society bombards us with messages about families and children: A long line of adorably dressed children line up to see Santa; silver ornaments boast "Baby's First Christmas"; children's Christmas outfits seem to be everywhere; and oh, those sentimental television commercials...Meanwhile, your soul feels like it’s caving in because it’s yet another Christmas that a child’s laughter (specifically, your child’s laughter) won’t reverberate off the walls.
Infertility is an extremely isolating experience; 1 in 6 couples worldwide who would like to have a child but are unable to do so, will spend Christmas yet again, without a child…it can be a very painful experience and one difficult to manage---
Christmas, Mother’s Day and Father’s Day—they all can be painful reminders of the fertility and success of other people. Christmas is a time for celebration of a special birth of baby Jesus. It is a time for families – a time for children--The Christmas holiday season can be a stressful time for many reasons; for infertile people this is a painful reminder of their longing for a child.
Christmas, as in holiday, is hard for Zach and I…I unfortuantly don’t have the answer as to how we ‘get through it’. We try to focus on the spiritual meaning of Christmas—when we are having a hard time we express these feelings with each other. I personally believe each spouse needs to allow yourself to express you’re feelings with each other vs. bottling them up…infertility is a battle, and we are entitled to these feelings! In sharing them with each other you will be able to help each other through this difficult time and in return you will build your relationship with not only your spouse, but with our Lord.
Hearing about others buy Christmas presents for there children is a difficult time, how I would love to go and pick out presents and watch our little one's face light up on Christmas morning…this year Zach and I picked an ‘angel’ off our Church’s tree; these are children whose families are in prison and need presents…doing this has truly helped us,, we might not be providing a toy for ‘our’ child, but we are helping a child in need, and doing so has touched a place in our hearts that has yet to be touched…
Express your appreciation to your friends and family who have supported you through the year. Stay in touch with other infertile friends who understand your position and may be able to offer support; I still talk to women who I meet online 3 years ago—it’s wonderful being able to share this connection with women who know exactly how your heart feels.
And most importantly, lean on God!!! He will guide you through life, and holidays…if you allow him to. I know first hand that it’s hard to ‘let go’ and ‘let him’…but that’s the only way to enjoy life, you have to hand him your fears for him to hand you his hand...
I really wish I could wiggle my nose and make all of y’alls Christmas the one we have all been dreaming of, I wish I could take each and everyone of y’alls pain away.
Trust in the Lord! Without Faith nothing is possible; with it-nothing is impossible.