Saturday, December 29, 2012
Sickly :(
I apologize for no 'week 20' picture. I had the cutest idea in mind since my halfway mark landed on Christmas Day; however my day consisted of curling up in bed and not moving all day.
I started running a fever Sunday night; it was right at 100 so my husband called my on call dr and they advised us if it went up another degree we had to go into labor and delivery. Thankfully it never spiked above 100. On Wednesday I woke up with literally no voice and hardly any hearing. My ears were so clogged all I could hear was ringing...we went to the dr and turns out this momma has the flu and a double ear infection. My fever finally broke last night after being 99-100 all week. I wish I could say I feel better though; my voice is still 90% gone and my hearing is the same. Although my throat is killing me due to coughing, I'd much rather get my hearing back! It messes with your equilibrium so bad--I feel so spacey and dizzy. My dr's called me in an antibiotic that was safe for Miles; but unfortunately it hasn't kicked in yet.
With all that said; I'm very thankful that my sweet Miles is ok. He's getting more and more active everyday. Zach felt him for the first time last night!!
Although this Christmas wasn't quite what I had in mind with me being sick, it by far was one of the best...our sweet Miles is such a blessing to us and our family!
I was due with our last little bean we lost on Christmas Day; I couldn't help but think that without those struggles and heart ache we wouldn't have Miles kicking away inside me right now...I'll never forget that sweet bean and the short time it was in my belly!! God is a God of miracles!
I hope you all had a blessed Christmas and I hope y'all have an amazing 2013 full of blessings!
I will try to have a week 21 picture up this week of this momma feels better :)

Friday, December 21, 2012
Our Miracle
Our Miracle: Miles Thomas

Wednesday, December 19, 2012
19 weeks
We had an amazing Dr's visit and appt. (minus me getting extremely sick and throwing up during my ultrasound)...yes that actually happened!! I laid down to get my ultrasound, she scanned me for a couple minutes...immediately found the gender :).....well it was a couple seconds later I got extremely dizzy and light headed; I just thought I was getting really excited so I didn't say anything--then it turned worse and I couldn't breath, I took a deep breath and my ultrasound tech immediately could tell something was wrong....she rushed to get me water and while she was gone my sweet husband held the trashcan while I vomited :(. She came back with a fan and everything. Turns out this happens alot, the baby was compressed against a vein leading to my heart and cut off a little blood flow which in return made me sick. We were able to continue our ultrasound (just with me laying on my side). We got an adorable picture of our baby's profile (I like to think it looks like me!) :). The baby is measuring a week ahead but were keeping my due date as of right now. My sweet bean is 11oz. Baby is breech at the moment but my Dr doesn't seem too worried. The heartbeat at this appt was 153. Strong and healthy!!! I gained 1lb since my last Dr said I'm a little under average but I was so sick early on I should be ok.
I'm still craving all of the same things/lots of salad and veggies. Still no sweets :)
This TX weather has been so up and down lately that my head feels all congested, but other than that I feel great.
We will announce baby beans gender this Friday with our family and friends at a local restaurant. I promise to post it publicly Friday night :).
So what's your final guess??? Pink or Blue?? :)

Friday, December 14, 2012
Reflections on Infertility

Tuesday, December 11, 2012
18 weeks
My main cravings is salad-veggies-pickles-banana peppers-anything spicy! Still don't want anything sweet and meat is still a little hard to eat.
Our gender scan is next MONDAY- eekkkk!! My gut instinct says boy, but we'll see :) we will have our gender reveal dinner is next Friday and I absolutely can wait to tell our family and friends!
Overall week 18 have treated me well! I'm so blessed! ❤

Monday, December 10, 2012
Tuesday, December 4, 2012
17 weeks
This bean is starting to be a little nicer to mommy! She can eat a little better, hasn't gotten sick in about a week (knock on wood)...sleeping a little better and 'only' getting up to pee about 3 times a night to pee vs 7 :)
I'm still craving subway sandwiches. Well any kind of sandwich loaded with lettuce and veggies...but at subway I'm able to put TONS of veggies on it. Meat is still a little hard (unless its smothered in veggies)...I guess it's safe to say I'm craving veggies- ha!!! Pickles are still auh-mazing!! Loving ice cold drinks still...spicy things like banana peppers are a favorite! But still no sweets-gag!! (I'm not complaining though, it's probably a good thing I don't want sweets). When I want something I HAVE to have it like ASAP. My poor sweet husband is so great at making sure we eat what I'm hungry for...even if we eat it several days in a row :)
I am starting to feel stuff-I don't want to quite call it 'movement' yet because I'm not 100% positive that's what it is...everyone tells me it is; but I'm new to this :). It's either gas or the Dr says probably both :)
Two weeks exactly till we find out what this bean is! I'm so ready to start planning! :)
We're almost to the half way mark! <3

Thursday, November 29, 2012
16 weeks
Eating has been a little better, I still get sick in the mornings and nights some days--but for the most part I'm feeling much better.
My cravings have been: subway sandwiches loaded down with yummy veggies, still raw veggies with ranch, cereal with apples in it, chips and cheese dip and I love cold cold cold drinks. Still no sweets...they make me gag!!
I had my 16 weeks OB appt Wednesday, everything went good. I'm finally gaining a little weight which my dr is happy about. I also found out the big date of when we will find out what this bean is....on 12/17 we will officially know! We will have a gender dinner with family Friday evening to surprise everyone. I'm so ready, it still all seems so surreal!!
As far as sleep-Zach bought me a mattress pad and it seems to be helping some; I still get up about 10 times a night to pee, and I can officially tell when this bean is sitting on my bladder. Ouchy!!
So thankful for 16 weeks with this bean, praying for 24 more :)

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Tuesday, November 20, 2012
15 weeks
Cravings this week: ice, raw veggies,wenches fruit chews (frozen), salad and pickles. ((Still nothing sweet and meat is still hard to eat))
My sleep is getting a little better, ad nausea is getting a little better as well-there are still some mornings I get very sick, but for the most part I'm getting a little energy back :)
I'm excited about Thanksgiving, my first one pregnant :) I'm not sure if I want any meat, but looking forward to all of the other good Thanksgiving fixings!!
Praising and rejoicing this week! I hope and pray you and yours have a very blessed holiday!

Tuesday, November 13, 2012
14 weeks
I've had a horrible cold this past week that's gotten worse the past couple days so that's made me feel more nauseated lately. For the most part I feel ok, dinner is still the hardest meal to eat.
Cravings this week are lettuce and raw veggies.
Still can't eat anything sweet-even the thought of cookies or cake makes me want to gag! (Thank you baby for helping momma not want her weakness).
Sleep is still non existent. I'm still getting up several times through the night to pee, and getting comfortable is hard. I have a bad back and hips so I think that contributes to my lack of sleep.
Over all I'm doing great-I listen to the beans heartbeat every morning and things seem to be going good. I can't believe next week is Thanksgiving and to think I'll be pregnant for my first holiday! So much to be thankful for <3

Wednesday, November 7, 2012
13 weeks
I am feeling a little better, my nausea has gone from all day to 'briefly' in the morning and really heavy at night. Dinner is probably the hardest meal for me to eat--I can't eat meat and nothing sweet!
I love pineapple, pickles, salads, raw veggies with ranch, and chopped ice.
I've lost 7lbs and as my appt today I haven't gained or lost anymore since my last appt.
My sleep is none existent, I bought a belly pillow bit it isn't helping much at the moment. I pee about 3-5 times a night and the rest I'm tossing and turning....maybe I have insomnia.
I still burp like a man and all the other gross things-haha...but I'm loving every minute of this!
I have a belly doppler and at 12 weeks 4 days I was able to pick up the heartbeat. I don't listen long, just long enough to find my little bean and know everything is ok. :) it's an amazing since of relief!
My blood results will come back next week for genetic screening-and my next appt is on the 28th! ❤
Gods Great!!

Thursday, November 1, 2012
His Plan
I was dreading Thanksgiving, but now I will be around 15 weeks pregnant with a lil
I was due on Christmas day, not sure how I would have made it though I will be finding out if our miracle is a boy or girl around Christmas.
We announced that we were pregnant on Mothers Day last year, I couldn't even bare the thought of another Mothers Day...but now I am DUE around Mothers Day!
We found out our other miracle didn't have a heart beat on 5/22 and had a D&C on 5/23...only God can be the reason why I will be holding this precious miracle in my arms on those days.
I don't know why bad things happen; and although I know I am not in the clear by any means...I can only have Faith that this was and has been his plan! He broke me down to build me up-and now I have another reason for continuing to move forward.
23 weeks ago my world was crashing down on me-I didn't understand life, wanted answers and didn't have I do!!

Wednesday, October 31, 2012
Tuesday, October 30, 2012
Our 'pregnancy' story
On August 28th Zach and I went in for our transfer where they transferred 3 perfect embryos...I was off for about a week, complete bed rest. I started testing like I always do and within days knew it took...but would it last was the question?
Roughly at 4 weeks pregnant I starting spotting; fearing the worst and just needing answers I went in for an ultrasound. My husband was out of town so thankfully my best friend Ashley rushed over to go to the doctor with me; that was when we saw one perfect sac! The Dr really couldn't explain what the spotting was from but he advised me to just take it easy...
I spotted off and on for a couple more weeks...around 6 and half weeks I went to the restroom and realized I was losing alot of blood....I panicked! Called Zach immediately and he rushed me to the ER. I had to have some fluids pumped in me and a catheter put in me for an ultrasound...again I expected the worse! With that amount of blood I knew it was over. To our surprise there was a perfect little baby with a heart beating of 124 beats per minute.
I went in for an appt at 8 weeks and everything looked great, my Dr saw a small hemorrhage spot near my placenta and said that could be where the blood was coming from...the baby's heart was now around 165bpm and everything was progressing perfectly....since I was still spotting he wanted to keep me vs. releasing me to my OBGYN in town. I went back at 10 weeks where Zach and I got to see our baby move, it waved at us...I believe that's the moment it sunk it that 'this is real'....our baby's heart beat at that time was around 181 and everything looked amazing. I went back yesterday for my last appt with my RE, my 12 week appt. The baby was great! Heart beat of 171.
As of right now I am not spotting anymore; but I can't tell you the fear every time I go potty.
Have you seen 'What to expect when expecting?' You know the lady who tried for a while and she had what she referred to was an 'Ugly pregnancy' (Gas, bloating, burping, acne, sickness....?) Yea, that's me! All of it! I knew people had pregnancy's where they didn't feel good at times, but I always pictured myself having a 'pretty' one....HAHA! Who was I kidding? I am very happy to say this pregnancy is an 'ugly one'...I burp like a man! Pass gas when I don't even mean too! Sound like I'm dying in the mornings when I'm throwing up! Can only eat a handful of things--pickles are my lifesaver! I can't sleep at all, but yet I'm tired all the time! IT'S A PRETTY NASTY AMAZING EXPERIENCE! I wanted this, I prayed for this...I wanted the reassurance every day that my baby was still fighting....and I GOT IT!! I can't complain, although it's not really fun, it's what I needed to keep me sane!
So please say a little prayer that this little bean stays holding on tight and that momma has no more spotting!

Monday, October 29, 2012
Saturday, September 15, 2012
MTV-True Life-Infertility
--CURRENTLY STRUGGLING with Infertility and trying to address the situation (going to doctors, treatments etc)

Saturday, September 1, 2012
I needed that sweet reminder of our jelly bean today!!
Things don't just happen for a reason! Thank you God :)

Friday, August 24, 2012
Prayers for Momma

Monday, August 13, 2012
A lil' Ranger Fun

Tuesday, August 7, 2012
Life's moving forward...
We did recently get back from vacation. We went to PA to visit Zach's family, and went to a family reunion as well. It was a blast seeing everyone and catching up. We haven't seen Zach's family since last October when we went to Branson. So this trip was much needed! We went horseback riding, canoeing (Which by the way-I'm NO good hard can it be to steer a boat?) We rode bumper boats with our nieces and nephew, and did alot of fun activities with them as well (let me just tell you they made me realize fast that I'm far from in shape)...and if being out of shape wasn't bad enough I have to be honest, all I did on vacation was EAT! I blame it on all of the good home cooked Italian food they made...if I lived up north near them to eat there cooking all the time I would easily weigh 20+ pounds heavier if not more! All in all vacation was amazing, a much needed get away!
On the down side my mom recently had surgery and so did my grandfather. Both are recovery fine, but prayers are always appreciated.
I do have to brag on my husband a little. Every year the company he works for picks a couple people throughout the nation wide company who is considered the safest driver, and although he has been promoted and is no longer a driver he was picked while he was one-so he still qualifies. Well they fly them to IL for a few days to compete at the NASCAR track. He will drive through obstacles, take test and a couple other things...if he wins out of this group I believe he will be going to Florida in November...he has no idea what he wins, but just the pride in knowing he was picked out of millions is winning enough. I am very proud of him. He works very hard for us to have the things we do and for us to be able to do the things we do. Love him very much!
On the last note, the one question I've received more than anything...'Whats next'....I hate to say it, but we still aren't sure. Obviously we have 3 frozen babies; it's just the timing...when will we be ready? When will we move forward? I am not sure. Time continues to heal our hearts, I was actually able to go through all our pictures from the short time I was pregnant the other day and didn't feel hurt. WE ARE OK-Zach is my biggest support system--he keeps me where I am so busy I don't think much-he keeps me laughing. Together we are getting through this. I'm always amazed at the love and support from everyone on here, but when you continue to get cards from people you've never met and you haven't blogged in over a month--that's special, that means more than I could explain. Thank you all for being patient with my lack of blogging. Thank y'all for continuing to check on me and for the continued prayers.
Life's moving along...nothing interesting...but were finally moving forward. :)

Monday, June 18, 2012

Friday, May 25, 2012
My thoughts….I’m not even sure if I can put them into words honestly. My feelings…pretty much every emotion you could feel I’ve felt the past week…My heart…broken and trying to accept God’s plan….My life…turned upside down in a blink of an eye.
Why this happened to us, I don’t know—but why do bad things happen period? I have faith in God’s plan, I just don’t quite understand it…probably never will.
Everything was fine, everything! I had no bleeding…no cramping…no signs of a miscarriage. That should make me smile knowing it wasn’t my body rejecting our baby…but it doesn’t make anything better at the moment. The minute my Dr. noticed our baby didn’t have a heartbeat I believe tears filled his eyes before mine…I sat there in shock for a minute or two praying to God he would wake me from this horrible dream-I never woke, still haven’t-and don’t think I will.
After I calmed down a little my Doctor insured me I did nothing wrong—although I trust this wasn’t my fault I can’t help but feel that way at times. I think it’s just natural to feel like a failure…although I know I am not. My Dr. told me our baby was abnormal, and unfortunately this is your body’s natural way of rejecting your embryo. He explained that all babies are made of several chromosomes from the egg and the sperm, and sometimes chromosomes are missing…and sadly the baby doesn’t know there missing until they need it, which in return stops your child from growing and causes your babies heart to stop…hurts so bad!
They say when doors close, better doors open…maybe that’s our case? Maybe our perfect bean was too special for this world and God couldn’t stand to be away from our baby for too long…I try to tell myself that’s how it is, makes me feel better about the situation.
I’ll be ok, and knowing that gives me comfort. I hurt badly, but now I know my body CAN get pregnant.
I want to sob (and I do) at what I’ve lost….but I’m sitting here celebrating what I had! I WAS PREGNANT! I finally got to see my husbands expression when he found out he was going to be a daddy—and let me tell you he was a very protective father, he will be an amazing daddy to a child one day. We got to tell our family, and listening to there excitement will never leave my heart. We got to hear the heartbeat, oh how amazing that filling was. We experienced life, for a brief time. And although we are mourning our loss we know God blessed us for a short time and we are grateful for that.
The heartache will linger for awhile. Our tears will eventually dry, however we will never forget.
Our jelly bean was special to us and many, I think we have built up love for this baby for the 6 years that we have been trying to conceive…so although this baby was only in me for a short time it was loved for years.
We won’t ever give up-our baby has 3 frozen siblings…as far as when we will be ready that’s for God to tell us. Were leaving our lives in his hands, when it’s time to try again he will let us know. He has his reasoning's, and it’s tough to accept, and I don’t think we have accepted them yet honestly…but were trying. Where there is a will, there is a way.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012
Prayers Needed :(

Sunday, May 20, 2012
Happy Anniversary
Zachary-you will never know how much you mean to me! I love you to the moon and back forever and always. I can't wait to watch you develop into a daddy-you will be an amazing one that's for sure!! ILU

Thursday, May 17, 2012
My week 6-8
Total weight gain/loss:
Maternity clothes?
Best moment this week:
Food cravings:
Labor Signs:
What I miss:

Wednesday, May 16, 2012
About our announcement!

Tuesday, May 15, 2012
The Inside Scoop

Monday, May 14, 2012
Thursday, April 19, 2012
Munchkin Land Designs- My Blog
I can't get the button she sent me on my page through my iPad but here is the link to her sight:
She's amazing and I hope y'all enjoy my little interview/ Q&A post she wrote!

Tuesday, April 17, 2012
Totally Random
5 things you may not know about me:
1) I am addicted to shoes, especially wedges--I have more than I can count and find myself looking at them every time were at a store with shoes....
2) I have scoliosis, it's not to severe at the moment-Thank God! But it sure gives me trouble every now and then...
3) DEATHLY afraid of spiders, bees, wasps, snakes, any creepy crawly creature!!!
4) I have to have stability in my life--kudos to those who move alot due to there spouses job--I could def move one or two times but def not several over the years.
5) I'm a reality show junkie- Big Brother, Gulianna and Bill, Bachelor/Bachelorette, Almost any cooking show.... Love these shows!!!

Friday, April 13, 2012

Tuesday, April 10, 2012
My boring life...

Monday, March 19, 2012

Monday, March 5, 2012
Kudos to my man!

Tuesday, February 21, 2012
Pete & My Pepa

Thursday, February 16, 2012
Pic A Day

Thursday, February 2, 2012
Gah' I'm Old

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Saturday, January 21, 2012
Life is Fragile...
