This is about how my morning started....
full of emotions; scared...nervous...didn't know what to expect--prayed
prayer after prayer. Since I heard that we wouldn't have to pay for so much this visit it's
been a smooth ride; that was
until this morning. Zach and I woke up and
hardly said a word...he was nervous for his testings and I was nervous for the outcome...
Shortly after running around the house getting ready and doing
everything possible to keep our minds off of things we
literally bumped into each other as we both turned the corner, we grabbed each other and my eyes
filled with tears--Zach told me "
Everything will be ok...somehow we will get through this"
<~hey thats my line :) We got ready and off we went; our intentions were to grab breakfast in town then head to Austin-
however neither of us had an appetite. So off to Austin we went...we arrived early and found a local I-Hop; as
Ashley mentioned below
(which thank you sweetie for updating everyone for me) I didn't have an appetite still. I did make myself eat some, but I think my nerves took over my whole body.
After breakfast we went
straight to the 1st clinic to get Zach's SA done. As strange as it sounds as soon as we pulled in the parking lot
my nerves went away, Zach and I said a little
prayer and I told Zach "I will keep my
fingers and toes crossed for you;
you can do this honey!"...
See....there crossed!

I wish I could say that Zach's nerves were gone completely, but unfortunately they were
not. This was a very nerve racking thing for him...however like
Ashley said below he survived--and
I am so proud of him!!!!After that we both headed over to the 2nd and main clinic...
The Fertility Center. Can I just tell you, the place was
beautiful, very cozy and
very welcoming. They had this huge fish tank in the room and Zach and I sat across from it and watched the pretty fish...that's about the time we both let go of our fears and put every bit of this in
God's hands and said we were going to go into this visit with an open mind and
no nervousness... so whats next....
why a picture of course to "
us taking away our nervousness...
thumbs up for The Pifers :)

About an hour after waiting in the waiting room, we got called back (
no they didn't make us wait forever, we were really just "that" early...) Our Dr. came in and he was just so amazing. It's hard to envision if you will truly like someone or not, but his personality was great...very
blunt-tell it how it is type guy. He went through my very "
thick" records--
I had a whole lot--and we talked about everything we have been through in the past. He said the only thing left that he needs that he did not have was the actual videos of both of my HSG's and my LAP operation report. So I have to get that for him. After talking about all the "past" stuff, we went into a room so that I could get an exam and he could look at my uterus and ovaries. He said that everything looked amazing. He "
physically" can't see any reason why I am not getting pregnant. After reviewing my records and looking at my insides he thinks that I need a stronger fertility med. vs. just clomid--so this begins the talk about
injectables. He said that he feels
very confident that all I need is one good IUI with injectables and I will be pregnant, he said that we would do back to back IUI's (
meaning one day we would do one and then come back the next day for one more). However; he is not
100% certain that IUI will be the route we take
until he gets the following:
1) videos from my HSG and LAP report
2) alot of blood work from Zach and I (which we are getting this week at my Dr's office and they are faxing over to them)
3) Zach's SA report (which will be there Monday)
Again, he said he is confident without seeing the above things, but there is
no for sure plan until he gets those things.
I have two rows of BCP's left, once those are gone he is hoping we can start this process (
wow! I didn't think we would go this fast, BUT if we do IUI we will be able to...if it is IVF we will have to wait and save.) They scheduled us to come back
next Thursday for injectable lessons as he knows that either way we will need to know how to do this.
Overall I think our appt went
wonderful. We don't have
100% answers yet, but we do love our Dr....we do believe this is the right step...and we do think this is what we need after speaking to him. I have
high hopes that I will be able to get pregnant and that's what I have been wanting to feel for
awhile. So there you have it folks....
Appt #1 is under our belt...
God carried us right on through it and we are
so very grateful things went the way they did. Thank you all for all the calls, texts, emails, comments and messages...we are so thankful for each one of ya'll. I can't wait to see the path God takes us down in this new chapter...as crazy as it sounds (
since I've been dreading this) it felt
so natural once we were in there...
I know in my heart this is where we are supposed to be. Calls for a "Yea!! We survived! Appt 1" Photo...huh?